Making Up Amelia

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Three different characters, an idealistic journalist, a US Navy civilian employee, and a resourceful teenager, in three different decades, find their fates entangled with the mysterious disappearance of the American flier, Amelia Earhart. This isn’t how romantic tropical islands are supposed to be. Two vicious murders. Two bodies soaked in blood. In two hotel rooms separated by almost 2000 miles and five decades. A blood-stained photo of Amelia Earhart posing in front of a hospital in Saipan with someone grabbing her arm. Trouble is, there’s no evidence that Earhart was ever in Saipan. But if that’s not her in the photo, who is it? And why would someone make it up? Three entwined stories come to an inevitable conclusion on Guam, the island that likes to say it is “Where America’s Day Begins.”



  • GENRE: Fiction
  • BINDING: Hard Cover - 446 pages
  • PUBLISHER: Yokoi Books, Bozeman, MT
  • ISBN: 978-0-9883096-0-9
  • DIMENSIONS (W x H x D): 6" x 9" 1.25"
  • WEIGHT: 1.62 lb


Marjorie Smith was 21 when she arrived in Guam in September 1963, the wife of a Government of Guam employee. During four years on the island she worked for the Guam Daily News, the Guam Times Weekly, KUAM radio and television, and the Pacific Journal. In 1967 she moved to Saipan for three years where she was the founding editor of the Micronesian News Service. In later years she worked for newspapers in San Francisco and Montana and was for eight years a United States foreign service information officer serving in Bangkok, Yokohama, and Sapporo. She now lives in Bozeman, Montana.


"Marjorie Smith has written a real page-turner here, with multiple layers of mystery spread over fifty-plus years of history. What happened to Amelia Earhart? Well, Smith lays out a plausible (albeit fictional) account, and then weaves it into a story of intrigue that takes the reader on a dizzying ride back and forward through time and across oceans and continents. Most of the action takes place on Guam and Saipan in the '60s, '70s, and '80s, and Smith evokes the times and places accurately, lovingly, with grace and humor. Anyone who was there in those years—or who's there now—will be captivated. And she makes the reader— this reader, anyway—really relate to her major characters. I didn't want the book to end, except that without an ending I'd never have figured out the mystery. A great read!"
- Tom King
author of Thirteen Bones and Amelia Earhart's Shoes

"In Making Up Amelia, Marjorie Smith offers an intricate and engaging novel inspired by the enduring mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance over the Pacific in 1937. She deftly manages three lines of narrative that cover a half century of history, conspiracy, research and speculation. She offers a large cast of memorable—sometimes obsessive—characters. But what pleases this reader...and writer...most is her sense of islands, Guam, Saipan and Palau, small places where history keeps happening, where the lives of rogues and dreamers are changed forever. Smith believes that it matters, what happens in small places. After finishing Making Up Amelia, her readers are likely to agree with her."
- P.F. Kluge
author of The Master Blaster and The Edge of Paradise